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Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2
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Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2 Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2
Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2 Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2
Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2 Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2
Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2 Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2
Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2 Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2


Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper BZ-6B for Copper Lug And Terminals with Battery Power And No Dies Required,range Up To 240mm2

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Battery Powered Crimping Tool BZ-6B for Cu terminals up to 240mm2,with no dies required of wide crimping,the connection material centring automatically when crimping
  • BZ-6B

  • iGeelee


Battery Hydrauilc Wire Crimper for copper lug and terminals with battery power and no dies required,range up to 240mm2 BZ-6B     


Crimping Force  60KN     
Stroke   35mm   
Crimping Range
Crimps per charge
250 times  (Cu 150mm2 )  
Crimping cycle     3-6s (depends on the size of cable)   
Battery voltage   18V
Battery capacity
3.0 Ah     
Charging time


Package  Steel case     




Sealing ring of cylinder 


Sealing ring safety valve   



Battery Powered Crimping Tool BZ-6B for Cu terminals up to 240mm2,with no dies required of wide crimping,the connection material centring automatically when crimping

 Battery powered crimping tool up to 240mm2

 Micro computer control system-automatically detect the pressure when it is crimping, with double safety protect.

 Pressure released automatically Function-the tool stop forcing the pressing and release 90% pressure when the pressure reached maximum.

 The tool equipped with a double piston pump which characterized by a fast approach towards the connecting material and transfer to high pressure automatically by slow crimping.

 The crimping head can be smoothly turned by 350° around the longitudinal axis in order to gain better access to tight corners and other difficult working areas.

 If a deviation from the set operation pressure or low battery charges is identified, an acoustic signal sounds and a red display flashes.

 One key control-press the trigger to start working, half loosing the trigger means stop forcing pressure, loosing fully means piston return to the original position.

 Li-ion batteries do neither have a memory effect nor self discharge. Even after long periods of no operation, the tool is always ready to operate. In addition we see a lower power weight ratio with 50% more capacity and shorter charging cycles compare to NiMH batteries.

 A Temperature sensor makes the tool stop working automatically when the temperature over 60℃ under long time working, the fault signal sounds, it means the tool can’t continue work until the temperature reduced to the normal.

